主页 > ITQ - Award/Certificate/Diploma for IT Users (No. 7574 )

ITQ - Award/Certificate/Diploma for IT Users (No. 7574 )

QCF credits : 9 +


The latest version of City & Guilds' ITQ, based on the 2009 National Occupation Standards, will provide the most flexible IT User qualification yet. Continuing the 'pick and mix' design of its predecessors, the City & Guilds ITQ will provide:


  •  assignments (on-screen and paper based), scenarios, simulations, work based evidence, classroom and project based evidence
  •  recognition of a wide range of contributing qualification
  •  assignment based assessment for the mandatory unit
  •  recognition of Functional Skills ICT, Key Skills ICT, Skills for Life ICT, Essential Skills ICT and Core Skills ICT
  •  support for bespoke and specialist software units for use with specific applications used in organisations or with specific types of learner
  •  advice and guidance through materials and qualification advisers
  •  support for use of Sector Specific Units so that IT becomes more relevant to individuals and employers.


Qualification structure

The City & Guilds ITQ is suitable for anybody who uses IT whether at home or work. The flexible structure and assessment methods of the ITQ mean that it can be adapted for a variety of courses in the classroom or almost any workplace or job or intended career. You can create programmes that meet your local demand for IT, from courses for home users to high level programmes for those looking at web design.

Some examples:

Living with technology at home(based on a Level 1 Certificate for IT Users)

  •  Improving productivity using IT (core unit)
  •  Using the Internet
  •  Using e-mail
  •  Using mobile IT devices
  •  Using collaborative technology
  •  Security for IT users.

Creating a web presence (based on a Level 2 Certificate for IT Users)

  •  Improving productivity using IT (core unit)
  •  Website software
  •  Imaging software
  •  Multimedia software.

Working in an office (based on a Level 2 Certificate for IT Users)

  •  Improving productivity using IT (core unit)
  •  Word processing software
  •  Data management software
  •  Spreadsheet software.

You can design courses for individuals, specific types of learners or to meet employers needs that could include bespoke software, specialist software or sector specific unit. With clear progression through the levels, learners can build on experience and skills developed right from the start - even from our Start IT (ITQ) qualification.

How is the qualification delivered and assessed?

The qualification can be delivered in either the classroom or the workplace. Learners are assessed through:

  •  portfolio of evidence (paper or electronic)
  •  scenario based assignments from our e-Quals product or on-screen simulations
  •  using 'expert witnesses' from within an organisation
  •  a combination of the above

The level 1, 2 and 3 assignments are available to download from the related links on the left hand side of this page.

Centre approval

If you're an existing approved centre delivering a City & Guilds ITQ (4322 or 7541) or e-Quals 07 (7266), then you will be offered automatic approval to deliver the ITQ. If you are not using City & Guilds IT qualifications, then you will need to complete a qualification approval form (QAP).

Organisations which are not already City & Guilds centres must apply for centre and qualification approval.

What support can you expect from City & Guilds?

We will provide a variety of support to ensure that you are able to make the best use of what you do today and enable you to deliver the qualifications of tomorrow.

  •  continued use of e-Quals 07 (7266) assignments as evidence towards ITQ units
  •  handbook for each level of the qualification that will outline what is expected in teaching, evidence and general use of the ITQ qualification
  •  outcome and assessment criteria handbook showing what a learner is expected to achieve from each unit at each level, along with guidance on the type of tasks or evidence that could be used
  •  logbooks to record achievement and evidence where required - in the work place or collecting of evidence in the classroom
  •  support through SmartScreen for e-Quals (7266) as a contributing qualification and update of current ITQ pages
  •  links to support materials developed by 3rd parties
  •  advice and guidance gathered through our ITQ forum of centres.



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Information technology (IT)

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