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通告 : 报考City & Guilds 职业英语及英国边境管理局 ( UK Border Agency) 认可英语能力考试

**请注意,由于报考 City & Guilds 职业英语及英国边境管理局 ( UK Border Agency) 认可英语能力考试的自修生人数众多,City & Guilds 香港分部现正委托YMCA College of Continuing Education 负责承办 City & Guilds 英语及青少年综合英语自修生考试。

有关报考自修生英语考试事宜,请致电报名热线 22816008或浏览以下网址 http://www.ymcahkcollege.edu.hk/parttime_tst.htm/

Notice: On behalf of City & Guilds Hong Kong office, YMCA College of Continuing Education is now to administer the application of City & Guilds private candidate examinations, including IESOL, English for Business Communications, English for Office Skills and English for Speakers of Other Languages (Young Learners).

IESOL Diploma is approved by UK Border Agency as proof of language capability for migrants wishing to work and /or live in the UK. It is an approved English Language test for the following visas:

Tier 1 Highly Skilled Worker

Tier 2 Skilled Worker

Tier 4 Student

Spouse/Partner Visa

For private candidate applications, please contact the enquiry hotline at 22816008 or http://www.ymcahkcollege.edu.hk/parttime_tst.htm/

由2009年8月1日起,考生若于两年内成功考取International ESOL及International Spoken ESOL证书,可额外获颁Diploma in International ESOL 国际综合英语文凭。如欲申请国际综合英语文凭,请于报考International ESOL或International Spoken ESOL时,一并递交文凭申请表。

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