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Business English Examinations

Business English Examination

Business English Examination
Our suite of Business English qualifications offer learners the opportunity to develop skills that are both relevant and sought after in the workplace. They act as proof to existing and potential employers that learners have the right skills to take a business forward in an international environment.



English for Business Communication

English for Business Communication
This qualification recognises a learner's ability to read and write the complete range of business communications from email to letter. Whatever the field or profession, it will help learners boost their confidence and proficiency in English in a business-based environment.

English for Business Communications examinations are a suite of qualifications in modern, written Business English. They are designed to meet the needs of present day organisations for fast and accurate communication in the international sphere. The test focuses on the candidate's ability to perform in real business situations through the medium of English. It tests candidates understanding of business communications and the ability to carry out a series of written tasks concisely and clearly.

Parts of the test:


a) Demonstrating an understanding of written business communications

b) Completing and extracting information from business documents


writing concise letters, writing memos in response to instructions or situations, drafting documents or reports (depending on level)

Available Levels:


Level 1: equivalent to A2 level on the Common European Framework

Suitable for clerical and administrative staff who have to read and draft

routine communications in English according to clear instructions

Level 2: equivalent to B2 level on the Common European Framework

Suitable for staff who are expected to read a variety of communications in English and reply to them independently and in appropriate style

Level 3: equivalent to C2 level on the Common European Framework

Suitable for staff who are expected to read the full range of work related documents in English, including those that require complex replies, and to draft documents where choice and tone of expression may be critical to the success of the transaction



The examination paper consists of a selection of realistic documents - letters, memos, emails, faxes, reports - which the candidate has to deal with by drafting appropriate replies or by writing similar documents in accordance with instructions. These are assessed according to how effective they are as written communications, e.g.:

         whether the candidate has interpreted the source documents correctly

         whether the replies convey the right message and whether they would achieve the desired results.

Correct language is important, but the emphasis is on successful communication. In recognition of the realistic nature of the examination tasks, candidates may use a monolingual (English-English) dictionary in the examination.

© City & Guilds 2012